Natasha Anderson

Natasha Anderson: Suppression/Dam Premiere | Spring 2019

Natasha Anderson is an Australian composer, musician and installation artist. She makes instrumental, audiovisual and acousmatic works in a variety of forms. A primary interest is the creation of otherworldly sounds — both acoustic and electronic — that generate tension through their precise formal placement and preternatural nature. Her works variously explore intense psychoacoustic experiences, the abject and the uncanny, as well as the whiplash juxtaposition of extremes.

Natasha Anderson’s project, Suppression/Dam, is a three-group collaboration with Australia’s Ensemble Offspring, Germany’s Ensemble Adaptor, and the International Contemporary Ensemble. Anderson will write a piece for four members of each group to create a 12-performer hybrid ensemble featuring the unique attributes of each group. Performances are scheduled for Australia, Europe, and the United States as early as Spring of 2019 at major festivals. 

Your First Page gift goes to support the completion of this incredible collaborative work! You will receive VIP tickets to the premiere performance of Suppression/Dam, acknowledgement in the program, a framed, signed copy of the first page of the score, and recognition with the piece in perpetuity.

To support the development of this piece across three continents, or hear about other First Page opportunities, please contact Rebekah Heller, co-Artistic Director | 347-227-7320